Back Pain and Clinical Depression in Denver

Back Pain and Clinical Depression in Denver CO


When dealing with chronic pain of any kind, there are various issues, both physical and mental, that each patient goes through. At the Denver Back Pain Health Center, we have found that depression is the one of the most common issues associated with chronic back pain. This type of depression is referred to as major or clinical depression.

Clinical depression can be debilitating if not treated. It is a few steps past “just feeling down.” If someone is suffering from major depression, they will experience at least five of the following symptoms daily for at least two weeks:

  • Feelings of sadness, hopelessness or irritability that could also include crying
  • Sleeping either too much or not enough
  • Agitation (restlessness) or sluggishness (fatigue)
  • Poor appetite combined with significant weight loss or increased appetite and weight gain
  • Loss of interest in normal activities
  • Decreased or no sex drive
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Lack of concentration or memory
  • Thoughts of death, suicide, or wishing to be dead

According to the ACA (The American Chiropractic Association), depression is three to four times more prevalent in patients with chronic back pain. 62% of all patients that seek treatment at pain centers like the Denver Back Pain Health Center show some form of depression.

Generally, patients with chronic back pain problems will develop depression before patients with acute pain that is shorter in duration. The question of why, can best be understood by looking at symptoms usually experienced by patients with chronic back pain:

  • Difficulty sleeping due to pain, causing irritability and fatigue during the day
  • Movement is difficult or unbearable, causing social isolation
  • Financial difficulties due to missed work and medical bills creating stress
  • Side effects from medication could cause digestion issues and a feeling of mental dullness
  • Pain can cause concentration and/or memory problems
  • Sexual activity has completely disappeared, causing stress in the patient’s relationships

These symptoms when accompanied by chronic back pain create a snowball effect and feelings of despair and hopelessness increase.

How do we treat patients that are dealing with this? For Dr. Visentin D.C. and his staff at the Denver Back Pain Health Center, the first step is determining the cause of the pain. If the problem can be addressed, the pain will subside taking the symptoms of depression with it. When it is a case of chronic pain, these are ways a patient can try to keep depression from becoming an all-encompassing way of life:

  • Patients must stay active. The type and the amount of activity is directed by Dr. Visentin, D.C. in order to make sure that these activities do not cause more harm.
  • Relaxation techniques can assist a patient in coping with chronic pain.
  • A patient should involve their family with their recovery. This prevents isolation and builds a tighter bond between the members involved.

If you are dealing with chronic back pain, Dr. Visentin, D.C. and the Denver Back Pain Health Center are here to help. Please contact us for a consultation (303) 394-CARE (2273).

Written For: Dr. Visentin, D.C.

Care Chiropractic
Denver, CO


For Qualified Patients Only

10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


Care Chiropractic
1411 Krameria Street
Denver, CO 80220
(303) 394-2273