Dizziness or Vertigo After Denver Auto Injury

Dizziness or Vertigo After Denver Auto Injury

chiropractic care for headaches

You can have dizziness and be sick to your stomach from a minor car accident. It can come on mysteriously and haunt you for decades without proper care. Read this article carefully and find out why this happens and what you can do about it.

Why Am I Dizzy?

After a minor fender bender, you could feel fall down dizzy and nauseated. This happens because balance is very complicated. There are three main systems involved with balance; visual, the inner ear, and the nerves, joints, and muscles that let you know what your body is doing. This last system, the “proprioceptive system”, is the one most affected by Denver car accidents.

Balance is delicate. Even minor jolts can damage the sophisticated systems inside you that keep you upright.

To make matters worse, there is an excellent chance the medications you may be taking have dizziness as a side effect!

Get Relief Now

You can get relief in many instances by rubbing ice on the base of your skull. Take a piece of ice from your refrigerator and lightly rub the scalp line where your head connects with your neck. Do this for up to 7 minutes.

Get It Fixed!

Without proper care these problems can get worse. With care, there is a good chance you could notice relief quickly. Insurance pays. By law, they can’t raise your rates if the accident wasn’t your fault. If you have no insurance our staff is trained at finding hidden resources to help you get well. Call now to see if you qualify for our post traumatic vertigo relief program, (303) 394-2273.

Steven Visentin
care chiropracticDenver Chiropractor

Denver Chiropractor Since 1983

Dr. Visentin, D.C.
1411 Krameria Street
Denver, CO 80220
(303) 394-2273


For Qualified Patients Only

10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


Care Chiropractic
1411 Krameria Street
Denver, CO 80220
(303) 394-2273