Care Chiropractic Blog

Auto Injury in Orinda CA

What Kind Of Doctor Should I see After A Car Accident?

June 7, 2018

What Kind Of Doctor Should I see After A Car Accident? Visiting your ordinary doctor after a car accident is usually not enough to determine if you’ve been injured. So little training in musculoskeletal care is given in medical school that 79% of medical students, residents, and staff physicians failed a basic test about these…

Chiropractic Denver CO Auto Accident

Do I Have Whiplash?

June 7, 2018

Do I Have Whiplash? It’s hard to tell whether or not you have whiplash. Here is a check list of some common symptoms that may occur weeks or months after the accident; back and neck pain soreness numbness in the arms or legs joint or muscle pain stress anxiety headaches grinding sounds nausea dizziness tenderness…

Denver Chiropractic Office Helps Whiplash

May 15, 2018

Denver Chiropractic Office Helps Whiplash One of the most common injuries that people suffer from after an auto accident in Denver is whiplash. When a chiropractor books an appointment to see a patient after a car accident, it is often to treat the pain that results from a whiplash injury. Find out how our Denver…

Denver Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

May 1, 2018

Denver Chiropractors Help Range of Motion A body in motion is a beautiful thing, but through poor lifestyle choices, injuries, and general aging our range of motion can diminish to the point that we can barely bend over to pick something up off the floor. Everyone seems to take their flexibility and ease of movement…

Chiropractor Denver CO Steven Visentin

Best Chiropractor in Denver CO?

April 25, 2018

Chiropractors in Denver have Extensive Schooling This is unbelievable!  I’m not sure who “the best chiropractor in Denver” is.  I guess it depends on who you talk to and what their opinion is but I just won another award. I was selected as a Top Chiropractor in Denver, CO by the International Association of Chiropractors…

Denver Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation

April 15, 2018

Denver Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation The human body has several different types of joints, including ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints, and saddle joints. Considering the complex mechanisms that go into to making it all work together, it’s little wonder that joint pain is a big issue in society. Denver chiropractors treat…